Arty Parties
Affordable Party packages to suit your budget ...
FREE Invite design templates
Minumum of 10 children on any booking - no maximum! We have a team of Tutors available.
1 Hr, 1.5 Hrs or 2 Hrs
Parties available

After School Clubs
For children who LOVE Art and want to be INSPIRED! Taught by real current artists ! they find such pleasure in being arty ... always drawing...always painting..... always wanting to learn how to.... BE AN ARTIST

Holiday Clubs
Holiday sessons run throughout the year - Its the perfect opportunity to create a wide range of art within these 2 hour sessions.
Drawing, Painting , Clay and Pass the Arty Parcel & games.
Children get to meet new likeminded friends and create Art at the same time!
What we do
All our sessions offer exciting art activities with a wide variety of inspirational content to develop art skills and confidence. They can develop their art skills at their own pace with a never ending supply of carefully guided and structured art tuition which are all age appropriate within each setting. Artskool is suitable for children 4 – 11 years old.
We have an ‘all can do’ attitude as every child has their own way of creating and being arty – with a little guidance from us you will be amazed at the quality of the art they produce!

AFTERSCHOOL Art Club 2024/5
- Mondays 3.20 - 4.20 Welwyn St Mary's C of E (pupils only) 13 x classes starting Sept 9th £130
- Tuesdays 3.20 - 4.20 Welwyn St Mary's C of E ( pupils only) 13 x classes starting Sept 10th £130
- Wednesdays 3.20- 4.20 Oaklands primary School ( pupils only) 15 x classes starting Sept 4th £150
- Thursdays 3.15 - 4.15 Cunningham Infant School - St Albans (pupils only ) - 10 classes starting Jan 16th x £100
Holiday session
- February 18th 10am - 12 - Ottway Walk - Pavilion - Welwyn AL69AS - 10 am -12
What Parents Say:

Annette ( Artist & Founder)
Annette created Artskool in 2003 whilst recovering from life changing surgery for mouth Cancer.
Art was the easiest way for her to communicate until she regained her speech.
Annette noticed how art really helped others express themselves without words . She used her past TV & Film Arts Producer experience to design and deliver her art curriculum
Her content ideas are exciting, unique and totally inspiring
Her passion for Art , Children & Life is truly lived through Artskool which truly touches the lives and careers of so many!

Jess ( Tutor)
Jess is a fun creative , supportive ‘people’ person who manages everything ! Her passion for children, doggies and art shines through everyday as she sets up ,guides and supports each child effortlessly to feel happy , confident and their best creative self. Jessy is a mum to two children and two dogs.